A stretching, scenic coastline, rich history, diverse climates and landscapes, more trees than people – MONTENEGRO Montenegro is a state of adventurous landscapes. From the shimmering sea to the majestic mountains, vacations to the county promises a fun-filled trip that […]
Due to 700, 000 bunkers constructed in Cold War era, Albania used to be the most secretive and enigmatic country in the whole Europe. Albania today is a country undergoing rapid cultural, economic and commercial development, attracting tourists from all […]
Three ethnic groups, three religions and three languages in the same place make Bosnia the most, ethnically and culturally mixed, Balkan epublic. Being on the frontier of the East and the West, this country has an unique atmosphere of both, […]
Situated at the very heart of the Balkans, where the paths of many civilizations have crossed since ancient times, Serbia is a welcoming country with rich cultural and historic heritage. From the vast Vojvodina plane on the north, offering relaxing […]